High-performance Equipment for the Hospital of the Future
Medical Application
Innodisk worked together with a leading European healthcare solutions provider in making their innovative and futuristic operating room solution possible.
Ensuring Safety Through Customization
Innodisk delivered a unique non-magnetic memory and storage solution that can be used near MRI machines.
Manufacturing the Future Together
Bringing the future to the manufacturing sector with smart and robust components ready for Al on the edge.
A Turnkey Solution for Efficient Packaging
Customized Industrial-Grade Storage and Memory for Australian Manufacturer of Food Packaging Equipment
确保列车行驶过程安全因素 中国列车制造商定制方案
识别并解决与中国轨交机车制造商和Innodisk 长期客户的存储相关关键问题
当性能可靠是关键 用于医疗监视和成像设备的存储
Innodisk 为中国医疗客户提供了2.5 英寸SSD 和SD 卡的工业级存储解决方案。闪存装置常用于医疗设备如: 生命体征监护仪及超声成像设备
Innodisk 以科技慧农 开启农业新革命
伴随着智慧物联AIoT 应用的落地,加速涌现出物联网、云计算、大数据等技术运用到农业生产各环节,数字农业和智慧农业应运而生。 “智慧农业”就是运用现代化高科技的互联网手段将农业与科技相结合,充分地现代化的操作模式改变传统的耕作方式,运用传感器和软件通过移动平台或电脑平台对农业生产进行控制,使传统农业更具有“智慧”。